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Planning Board Minutes 07/18/2013
July 18, 2013
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:            Diane Chauncey (Secretary)         Chris Condon (Member)
Jesse Lazar (Chair)                 Steve MacDonald (Member)        Martha Pinello (Member)          Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner) 
Members Absent:  Janet McEwen (Alternate)       Charles Levesque (Vice-Chair)
Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)          
7:00 PM Public Meeting:

Review Ogilvie revised Checklists
The Board Members moved, seconded, and by roll call vote determined that the following applications and checklists should be tabled and clerical changes should be made by Consultant Planner, Carol Ogilvie. The documents will be presented at the August 1 Planning Board meeting:
  • Major Site Plan Review Application Checklist
Excavation Regulations Application Checklist
  • Planning Board Applications
  • Lot Line Adjustment/Annexation Checklist
  • Minor Sit Plan Review Checklist
  • Subdivision Application Checklist
Approve June 20, 2013 minutes
Ms. VanderWende moved to accept the Minutes; Mr. Condon seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes, as amended.

CIP 21013 – 2104 – Plan meeting        The CIP committee (Ben Pratt, Ron Haggett, Steve MacDonald, and Janet McEwen) will determine the most appropriate time for the committee to meet. The Planning Board Secretary will coordinate the meetings.

There was a short discussion of the upcoming Davis Minor Subdivision Application (Public Hearing scheduled for the August 1 Planning Board meeting). Chair Lazar stated that he thought that the subdivision application should have been a Major Subdivision Application, based on the Antrim Planning Board Subdivision and Site Plan regulations adopted in 2013(Section III Definitions #3). The Board members discussed minor subdivision vs. major subdivision. The Public Hearing Notice announced a Minor subdivision.

Shoreland Permit application – Map 206 Lot 45 – FYI
Natural resources steward – Applications now being accepted - FYI
At 8:15 pm, Mr. MacDonald moved to adjourn. Ms. VanderWende seconded the motion. All voted unanimously to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board